Online Quran Learning

I Was Reading the Quran, I Found it Reading Me!

Dr. Jeffrey Lang  was born in Roman Catholic Family in Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1954. Currently,  he is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Kansas, one of the biggest universities in the United States. He started his religious Journey when he was very young and he spent is  first 18 years in Catholic schools, […]

8 Steps To complete reading The Holy Quran In Ramadan

  This article is to help you complete a Quran reading in Month of Ramadan. Though we should read Quran as much times as possible but it is highly recommended to achieve this noble goal at least one time in Ramadan.   STEP 1: ESTABLISHING AN INTENTION   Our Beloved Prophet Mohammed Peace be upon […]

10 Ways of Developing Love for Allah

10 Ways of Developing Love for Allah According to Shaykh Ibn al-Qayyim (rah) there are ten ways of developing love with Allah. Learn Quran Reciting Quran, reflecting Quran and to learn Quran so that one can interpret the meaning of Quran. Quran is word of Allah. When you read Quran its like listening to Allah […]

Learn Quran – With reference to Quran

Learn Quran – With reference to Quran Allah, Most Gracious, says, “Truly there is a reminder in this for anyone who has a heart, or who listens attentively with presence of mind.” (1) At number of occasions in Quran the importance of learning Quran is mentioned. Quran itself invites believers to learn Quran.  Learning Quran […]

Virtues of Quran Reading

Virtues of Quran Reading This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon [the pious] [Quran Al-Baqarah 2:2] Quran was revealed for human beings to make their life smooth and . Allah Almighty has promised great rewards and vritues for reading and following Quran “Had We […]

Concept of Education in Islam

Concept of Education in Islam   Education is process , system or method through which something is instilled in human being. Human being which is recipient of education is also known as “rational animal”. Man needs education to perform his duties and responsibilities. The Islamic concept of education is not based on acquiring skills for […]

Etiquettes of Handling Quran

Etiquettes of Handling Quran (Learn Quran Academy’s Blog) Quran is book with incomparable Excellency. So one must handle Quran with care and following ettiquettes.   Memorizing Quran It is obligatory for each Muslim to memorize at least single verse from Quran. It is highly recommended to mrmorize at least one surah from Quran for every […]

Moral Values for Our Childern

As a parent it is our responsibility to make our kids responsible and characterful Muslims. Parent are first example in front of kids, kids follow actions and conduct of their parent. It parent duty to educate kids not simply by telling them about good habit but they should act as responsible and characterful parents. According […]

1 to 1 Live Quran Learning

You often go to market to buy electronic devices or other products. When you unbox them with the product you get a small booklet or instructional manual from manufacturer. In that manual you can find all details about best use of product. You will find details about keeping device in best working conditions, troubleshooting, fixing […]

Features of Learn Quran Academy

Learn Quran Academy leading organization for providing online service of learning Quran and basics of Islam. With qualified and professional team Learn Quran academy has served thousands of students throughout the world.  With competent technical and teaching staff Learn Quran Academy has unique way of organizing Quran lessons at you home. Some Features of Learn […]

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