Etiquettes of Handling Quran

Etiquettes of Handling Quran

(Learn Quran Academy’s Blog)

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Quran is book with incomparable Excellency. So one must handle Quran with care and following ettiquettes.


Memorizing Quran

It is obligatory for each Muslim to memorize at least single verse from Quran. It is highly recommended to mrmorize at least one surah from Quran for every Muslim. It is also obligatory for a locality to have at least one Hafiz (a person who memorized whole Quran) whole Quran. This is speciality of Quran that it is the only book with is only not copied from pages to pages but it is also transferred from heart to heart. Even there are blind persons who learnt whole Quran by heart.

To forget Quran after memorizing it, is sin.

Read Quran Directly

It is recommended to recite Quran by looking on it. Even if one have memorized Quran he or she should read it by seeing on Quran. This makes reader more close to Quran and reader gets more rewards by looking, touching and handling Quran.

Place Quran on Clean and Pure places

Quran must be read in clean and pure places. It is not allowed to read Quran at dirty or impure places. Quran must be kept on cleaner and higher places in home. It is recommended to wrap Quran with piece of cloth to protect it from impurity.


Respect Quran

One should not put his/her back towards Quran. It also discourged to direct legs towards Quran. It is also not allowed to site higher than the place (in room) where Quran is placed.

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Reflect Quran

If a person is reading Quran and the verses are about punishment so reader should have feeling repentenace and if the verses are about rewards and blessings from Allah so reader should read it with joy.


Arranging Quran in Books

If   you have different books to arrange. Quran must be Kept above all books. If you have multiple copies of Quran. Place the Quran with out translation above follwed by Quran with translation. All Hadith books must be kept below the Quran (translated or untranlated copy) preferably in sequence Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Musli, Sunan Abi Dawood, At Tirmidhi, An nasai and Ibn Majah.

Author: Learn Quran Academy Staff

Etiquettes of Handling Quran

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