10 things to do in Last Days of Ramadan

Every moment of Ramdan is priceless and we should not let it go without earning reward from Allah SWT. The last 10 days of Ramdan are even more valuable than first twenty days due to many reasons. Allah’s Messenger used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time.” (Muslim).

The Prophet said: “Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim recorded from Abu Huraira).

  1. Take a vacation for Allah.

We take break from our work when we have some important events in our life. Ramadan is time for blessings and salvation so not we should take break from our jobs and focus on to focus on worshiping and thanking our Creator.

  1. Do Itikaf.

Our beloved prophet Mohammed peace be upon him used to spend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan in the mosque for Itikaf. Itekaf is cutting off your relations with the world and devoting all your time in zikr, salat, reading Quran etc. Its sunnah to do itekaf for last ten days of Ramadan but if you’re not able to spare time for sunnah itekaf you can also do it for few days or even one night.

  1. Make this special Dua.

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: ‘O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?’ He said: ‘Say: O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.’ “(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi).

layla tul qadr dua

  1. Recite the Quran.

Spend your time in reciting Quran because it’s a great deal and there are many virtues for reading Quran and following it. Try to increase the time for Quran recitation in ending days on Ramdan.

  1. Reflect on the meaning of the Quran.

Ramadan is time when most us of get closer to Quran and read it more than any other part of year. So this is best time to go deeply into the meaning and understand Quran.  You should follow and reflect what you learn from Quran.

  1. Get your sins wiped out.

Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger said: Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, will have all of his previous sins forgiven. [Bukhari and Muslim).

So, pray longer, deeper  and meaningful  in last days of Ramadan and carefully reflect what the meaning when you pray.

  1. Evaluate yourself.

It is the time when you should ask the Question you need that need to be asked from yourself. It is the best time for self evaluation and knowing where you’re going. Feel happy for the good you have done and remorse for the bad you have done and seek forgives for you bad acts. Doing this will make you closer to Allah Subhan Wa Taala.

  1. Attend the Dua after the completion of Quran recitation

Quran reading is completed in lmost all masjids Quran in Tarawih prayers in Ramadan specially in last day of Ramdan. Make sure to attend the dua after the completion and try to take your family to this gathering.

  1. Finish reading a book on the Prophet

The life of our beloved Prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him is role model for us. We should know about his life as much as we can and follow his footsteps in every aspect of life. Try reading about the life of Prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him. It will increase your love for him and Islam

  1. To do list for the Night of Power

The last but not least; make a “to do checklist” for each Night of Decree. This is the night better than a thousand months so pick the things from your checklist and perform them in expected laylatul Qadr. Also define the sequence you would like to do things in.

10 things to do in Last Days of Ramadan

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