
10 things to do in Last Days of Ramadan

Every moment of Ramdan is priceless and we should not let it go without earning reward from Allah SWT. The last 10 days of Ramdan are even more valuable than first twenty days due to many reasons. Allah’s Messenger used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than […]

10 Most Beautiful Mosques in the World

Mosque, (Masjid in Arabic) is a place where followers of Islam gather to offer their collective worships. Mosques are also symbol of fine Islamic culture and art. Mosques are present in all countries of the world and there are many mosques with stunning look. This blog is not to discriminate among mosque but we are […]

Youth of Prophet Mohammed PBUH

  In out last article we wrote about childhood of prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him.  This article serves to shed light on youth on Prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him.  Our prophet peace and blessing be upon him was a very hard working young man. Beloved Prophet Peace be upon him, began to earn […]

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