Staff at Learn Quran Academy

Learn Quran Academy is leading organization which is offering live Quran learning services around the world. Since 2007 more than thousand students around the globe are benefited through teaching services of Learn Quran Academy and hundreds of students are still studying Quran and basic  Islamic teachings with us.  Learn Quran Academy is offering number of certified courses online including basic Quran Reading, Quran Reading with Tajweed, Tafseer of Quran, Translation of Quran, Memorization of Quran and Basics of Islam for Kids.

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Learn Quran Academy staff

We have highly trained, skilled and staff Administrative, technical and Teaching staff. Administrative staff includes Chief administrator, supervisors and customer service personals. Supervisors and people related to customer service are available round the clock to help you. If any one contacts us, our customer service personals contact them in least possible time. Our technical staff includes web developers, web content creators, internet and computer experts. Web developers are dedicated to create and innovate online Quran learning resources. Our technical staff is here to resolve any computer or network connectivity related issue on both our side or students side.

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Teaching Staff

Our teachers in learn Quran Academy are qualified, well educated, professional and expertise in their work. All of our teachers have strong hold on tajweeds rules of Quran and most of them have fully memorized the Holy Quran. Teachers are trained in communication skills in English and Urdu so that they can teach Quran efficiently to student. Our teachers are courteous and kind so that student especially kids can go on adequately  while learning with them. Teacher are regularly trained to groom their skills and maximize their performance. There is annual award program in which best teachers and employees are honored.

Female Quran  Teachers

Most of Muslim women are not able to go outside for Quran learning because of their domestic responsibilities. We have females teacher for these Muslim  women and kids who feel comfortable to learn Quran with female teachers.  Female students can confidentially discuss their sensitive matters with their teacher.  Our female teachers are versed in teaching Quran with tajweed and before starting teaching at our academy they get full training about teaching and communication skills.


I you want to try our Services, Register here for free trail classes.

Staff at Learn Quran Academy

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